Yay! Finally, more new Big Bang music is released! But this time its totally new and different because female Big Bang-- also known as "21" is also featured in this song called "Lollipop" with Big Bang! The song has a wonderful upbeat feeling to it and it is quite catchy. I think that it is a very good wake up song to have in the morning to get ourselves ready for another challenge. I think I like the new female Big Bang --well "21" they are super colourful in terms of style just like Big Bang! Since I saw Sandra Park in Gummy's "I'm Sorry" MV with TOP, I noticed her right away.. her hairstyle and outfit for this CF somehow reminds me of the Flinstones. ^_____^. I'm glad this song came out cause this is really the only thing that's cheering me up right now since I got a really bad hair trim today. It seems like the hair dresser didn't get the point of "just a trim".
Retreat Reflections:
As promised, I wanted to post something about the retreat I attended yesterday. To be honest, I must say that I was glad I went. Before, I thought that this retreat would be like any other retreat, boring, only about prayers and how ot be a good person, preparing for the Easter Season. But, this retreat has surprised me and has totally changed my biased views about youth retreats. Not only was it fun and amazing, the messages they gave us through their talks has really touched my heart and I think that it will stay with me forever. The best part was meeting new people and being able to spend more time with friends whom may see only maybe once a week or even once a month. This retreat was really a blessing and gift.
Well, I still have lots of Homework to get done....better get going before it gets late!
Have a wonderful day,
Little Stars
It's been a while since I've been on here again. Wow homework is just too overloading.... but the good yet maybe bad part is University is almost coming my way, one more year and then university will be coming... very very excited for it but at the same time worried and scared- after all it is a new environment where I'm gonna have to adapt to.Anyways, enough of my complaints and worries... recently I've ordered Bog Bang's concert online and i finally opened it and watched their performance.... one word to describe it--- AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA the package was not only nice but the best part was all the performances..finally got to seem them on big screen instead of the internet. I've got a retreat today, hopefully i can update more on this blog soon after the retreat. Except, I'm not sure that its gonna be fun with all the snow here! EVEN IN SPRING! >.<Have a lovely day,Little Stars