Currently I am learning to make "Dduk Bok Gi" a very common snack you can get off the street vendors in Korea. I think its translated to be "Spicy Rice cakes". I went shopping at a market to buy the materials for my Dduk Bok Gi I'm planning ot make on either Friday or satruday. I really wanna try what Sung Min and Kyu Hyun did for their dduk bok gi snack when they volunteered at the disablity center for kids- they put cheese in it! ( you can find the clip on you tube) Anyways, I am also really happy because both my 2pm cds are finally shipped out! I think I will be expecting to get my CDs sometime next week (possibly thursday?). School has not been too bad lately... almost done. One more full week of Classes and then EXAMS! I have diploma for biology this year so I am really really stressing out and freaking out at the same time!
Hopefully my 2pm cds will ease my stress during the study periods..........
Well better get some sleep- early studying tomorrow!
Little Stars
I am currently done editing my template colors. However, I am still in the process of designing my banner! SIGH so nervous for exams coming up!
Well better get going with homework!
Little Stars
Finally, have some time to come on and update a little bit about my recent events. Not much really. But, I am planning to change my blog--well i should say modify my blog template a little bit. Still in the process of doing so though! I will be changing things around bit by bit so it doesn't affect visitor's browsing/reading etc.
Anyways, it is actually very late, I still have to study for my bio quiz tomorrow!
Have a great day everyone!
Little Stars