"Being Thankful" from: www.karenweems.com |
Recently, I was in charge of coordinating a Youth Lenten retreat for my parish. I was very lucky that I was able to invite the DYRT of my city and have young adult speakers come and give the youth members of my parish a talk on the meaningful purpose of Lent--a journey towards Easter preparation.
Today, they showed a simple movie that really enlightened me. I really wish I could find the video on YouTube and show it to all of you, unfortunately, I was not successful in finding it. I guess I will use words to describe the simple clip then.
The movie starts off with a man going to bed, and before he sleeps he prays to the Lord saying: "Lord, I am struggling, show me what I have to be thankful for."
Soon, time passes and the next morning comes, the man wakes up to get ready for a days work and activities. And this is when there are words on the
video that shows to the audience some of the things we don't really think about and often take granted for.
For instance, when the man woke and was able to
-not be suffering from hunger
- have a shelter
- have a job
- have friends
-have a loving family
- not worry about his safety
Unfortunately, when night comes around, he again prays the same thing before he goes to bed, not realizing that being able to live the life he has is really a blessing from the Lord.
Are you wondering about what are some of the things you should be thankful for? Have you thought about the things that were mentioned in the list above?
Thanks for visiting! I wish everyone a happy weekend!
Little Stars