Friday, September 27, 2013

看完 【分手合約】的感想。。。

最近不知道爲什麽,很想看一些電影。在網上翻來翻去看看找不找到一些好的電影。就在幾天前,讓我找到了【分手合約】 這部關於愛情的電影。當初在網上看到那部電影的海報的時候就以為 是一部有情人終成眷屬的電影。誰知道,看完了以候,我心裡覺得很悲傷卻又很感動!

故事大概是這樣的: 話說,女主角 何俏俏和交往多年的男朋友李行分手,理由是因為李行不能給她物質上的滿足,所以,就立下了一份 分手合約。合約條件是如果雙方彼此在五年內都沒有找到另外一半 就會結婚。 五年過了,沒有跟別人交往的俏俏收到了李行的電話。心裡以為李行還是單身的她興高采烈地接了電話。但是,李行卻告訴她,他要結婚了。傷心又氣的俏俏決定從上海飛往北京看看李行和他的未婚妻,表面上是去祝福他們,心裡卻抱著希望--希望可以跟李行複合。 到了北京, 抱著極嫉妒心情的俏俏和李行發生了一連串的搞笑事情。後來,在李行給俏俏喜帖的那一天,俏俏卻發現,喜帖上面的名字是她跟李行的。原來李行一直都沒有變過心。五年來,他一直努力地改變自己,希望有一天俏俏會再次接受他。可是,當俏俏和李行決定在一起的時候,俏俏的癌癥又複發了 (真的是天作弄人!)。李行後來透過俏俏的好友毛毛發現原來五年前,俏俏只所以跟他分手是因為他得了肺癌,怕他會傷心,所以才跟他分手的。所以,在俏俏離開之前李行跟她結婚了。

雖然,這樣的故事好像沒有什麽新鮮感,這樣的橋段好像在許多電影或者書都有出現過。可是,我覺得這部戲含有非常感人的信息。 俏俏和李行的愛讓我明白,如果你真的愛一個人,哪怕你們要分開五年還是十年,你都會願意等他/她。如果你還在等著你人生中最重要的那個人,請不要急,因為那個愛你、疼你的人也是在等著你。我雖然還沒有找到我的那個 “他”,可是我相信,總有一天我也會遇上一個懂得珍惜我,接受我的優點和缺點的人。

在此, 我祝福所有情侶幸福快樂!也祝所有還在尋找他們的幸福愛情的人.....不要放棄,幸福會在你不知不覺的時候出現的!

 "Little Did I Know"... something funny to share

 好七八年前我媽很喜歡看台灣劇,常常會告訴我有一個演員是她最喜歡的---他就是彭于晏。當時,我還在吹著飛輪海的風的時候(~LOL~)都不會理會其他的台灣演員。我媽常跟我說,“那個演員真的帥,他的眼睛很迷人!” 我聽到的時候就翻了白眼,心裡在想,好一個師奶殺手呀.... 我媽又來了!可是,現在,七八年後,我開始注意他演過的戲覺得他蠻帥的!有著一張 baby face 的他卻又從滿了很MAN 的體型,我想很多女生都喜歡這種類型的吧,連我這個不怎麼留意他的小 fans 都忍不住開始留意他的戲了。So don't ever judge your mom who thinks a certain actor is good looking because sometimes, what they say can be true, because over time, you begin to get used to their looks.....哎呀!是否我也開始老了,我的taste好像越來越像我媽了!(Just Kidding!)

祝所有visitors 有一個愉快的晚上!

God Bless!
Little Stars

Monday, September 23, 2013

I am "Me"

photo credit: All rights to orginal author of photo. Retrieved from
Every morning you wake up and the first you probably due is head to the washroom to get ready and when you're there you'll wake up to see yourself. YOUR TRUE SELF. Messy hair, no make up, no heels or nice clothing. Just you and your comfortable PJs. Nowadays, so many people focus on how important their image is and stress about how others see them. Numerous advertisements, in  fact, promote and sell the idea of the "perfect" image. Young boys and girls whom are now attached to their hand held devices such as smart phones and tablets etc are exposed to such ads everyday. You click on YouTube on your iPad or computer and you'll be forced to look at an ad of some sort, and out of the thousands of ads you'll probably be exposed to  one that talks about how to achieve perfect hair, skin, body structure etc.

I don't think many of us can step outside without wearing a nicer piece of clothing, not wear any facial products or makeup, and have our hair fixed the right way. It's true, no company, no public place would accept the fact that a person heads out looking like a bum.  If there was a person who just wore a big t-shirt and baggy pants or just PJs with messy hair and bare face, people would probably look your way and judgemental thoughts would be racing through their minds like " what's wrong with him/her?" right away.We cannot control that. However, there is one thing we have control of, our acceptance of ourselves. If you can accept that maybe you don't have the perfect skin like the model of the Olay ad does, or maybe you don't have the perfect wavy dark brown hair the model of Pantene does, or maybe you don't have beautiful blue eyes with  curled eyelashes like the model on the mascara ad in the magazine does; you have learned to love who you are. If you can look in the mirror in the morning and say, "Hey, I actually look pretty good without all that product slapped on my face." Congratulations, you have learned to accept your true self. You have learned that no one else is as special and as unique as you are.... you can be proud and say "I am "Me" and I am unique!"

Love yourself, have fun!

Little Stars