Thursday, July 23, 2015

我的好姐妹們 --#slff

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"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy,they are are the charming gardeners who make our soul blossom"-- Marcel Proust

In Chinese, there is a saying that gold cannot buy your soulmates or best friends. I think this is very true. I don't consider myself a very popular person with many friends, but I do have 3 friends whom I think of as sisters and soulmates. With these three friends, I don't really have to be afraid to be myself and share my worries. In fact, one of them has been my childhood friend since 2 years of age. Many people often wonder, what is true friendship. By all means, I am not a professional "friend maker" but from my experience, having close friends are those who don't mind your silliness, get your jokes, laugh at the same stupid things, and are willing to give you honest advice, even if they are the ones you don' t really want to hear.

我常常聽到我媽跟爸說“千金難買好自己。“ 不知道你有沒有找到你的好知己呢?我覺得非常幸運也非常感謝天父爸爸賜給我三位好朋友,姐妹們。我們認識了很久, 其中一個我是從兩歲就認識。我們常常一起玩。另外連個好姐妹是在中文學校裡認識的。我們四個人常常會叫自己 “ Fantastic Four" 可最近不是很流行用#hashtag嗎?我們四個女孩字還沒找到我們的“那個人“所以現在常常叫自己#SLFF 意思就是 “single ladies friends forever" 或者是 ”single ladies fantastic four". 很搞笑吧。以前的我們常常會去追韓娛新聞和歌曲。看到 YOUTUBE 上的搞笑視頻可以笑個半天。現在我們慢慢地變得不一樣了。我們喜歡去出聊天,吃東西。 最近我們聊的事情就是為什麼我們四個還沒能夠找到我們的 “另外一半”。我們四個當中,有三位是獅子座的,一個雙子座。我想,身為其中一個獅子做的我,性格比較內向和怕尷尬。就是因為怕被拒絕而不太願意去嘗試。而我跟我那個從小就認識的朋友耶選擇了最多女性朋友的行業--護士。可能能夠認識異性朋友的機會比較小吧。可我相信,我們四個人不會一直孤單下去吧。只是時機未到而已。我那位雙子座的好姐妹曾經談過戀愛,可是最終還是分開。就好像 徐靜蕾的 《有一個地方只有我們知道》裡面的其中一句金句說  “沒有在一起的就是不對的人,對的人,你是不會失去他的。” 在我們還沒找到我們的 “Mr. Right" 前,就讓我們的友誼快樂陪伴著我們吧。友誼萬歲!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hello Spring. 粉絲花痴的我。

All rights to its rightful owner. retreived from HDwallpapers site

Now that school is finally over! I can finally embrace the start of my spring/summer holidays. I think this will be the last spring/summer holiday before the real stress begins of finishing up post-secondary and job hunting. So since it is, I've got lots planned for a packed and fun-filled summer. Last week, I went to Shanghai with two of my super close friends for a week. It was really nice to just destress after having school and NO SUMMER HOLIDAYS AT ALL last year. I really enjoyed visiting China, since I have never been there before, it was quite an experience! Now I am more excited for my upcoming trip to Beijing and HK in August. Now that school is on hold, I can say... Hello SPRING, welcome holidays and of course work. Work I think is another kind of stress, but it is not as stressful as school. With Work, it comes with familiarity and routine, there is no competition or someone marking you, determining how well you do. All work is is taking full responsibility and doing your best. :)

PART II (中文)

一個 Inspirational 的偶像

我想,我們大家都喜歡過很多偶像。可是,有那一些真的會讓你覺得他或她不只是個偶像而是一個讓你像他學習的人呢?哈哈好吧, 我承認,當初留意他的時候也是因為他長得挺帥又高。可是在 我慢慢的留意他的消息之後我覺得這位只大我兩年的年輕演員真讓你覺得他非常的wise 和成熟, 讓你感到非常的 inspired。他的名字你可能最近常常的聽到,在內地他是所謂的“男神小鮮肉”。 對, 就是他,吳亦凡。
他在很多粉絲們的眼裡都是帥,都是男神。他在我心裡,他是一個我很崇拜的inspirational person。他曾經上過魯豫的節目,訪問中他說過一些我非常同意的話。 他說:“我覺得是自己選擇的事情,不管怎麼樣你就首先不要後悔,我覺得一定要努力,什麼事都要努力,一定會有回報的, 對, 有的時候它不是不報,只是時候未到。” 聽到他說那句話我特別感觸,因為我也曾經經歷過失敗挫折的我非常的有同感。這幾年, 我一直很努力的學習,工作,終於讓我成功的考上了我喜歡的大學讀我喜歡的護理係。雖然,要等了整整幾年,也經歷過很多不開心的事情,可是我的目標一直沒變過,只知道要努力,一定可一成功的。


讓我知道這個人的存在也多虧我的好朋有雅婷兩年前來我家開了一個YouTube視頻讓我看又吱吱喳喳的說“你看那個人超帥超 ‘HOT’ 的,你知道嗎他懂得講粵語的,從溫哥華去韓國發展的,他是 Kris!!” 當時我並沒有很在意因為我不那麼喜歡EXO,因為老實說,韓國的偶像團體多的是,我哪有時間追那些Kpop的消息啊。 當時我只 “喔,Kris” 了一聲 也在沒有去留意。 好像是在去年的五月吧,美國韓娛網站 AllKpop 報導說這位 Kris已跟SM公司正式解除合約。我看了就想到: 他不是雅婷說的那個超HOT的人嗎?” 腦海裡也突然想到韓庚。我因好奇就去看看這位又為什麼要解約,難道也是因為得到不人道,不公平的對待了。就這樣我開始留意著他的消息了。後來不久,又有消息說他張會出演電影,當男一號。我心裡有像, 不會吧,他才剛剛解約,而演戲的經驗應該不多,可以當男一?!(因為在偶像團體不是每一個團圓都可以有機會去拍戲的)。因此,我又好奇了起來,留意著他新片的消息。後來護理係的功課多到我快要崩潰,就不了了之給他忘了,直到九月份,我坐巴士回家的時候在我手機裡看 Facebook的更新posts的時後看到一個 特別的 post,照片是吳亦凡演的那部戲 “有一個地方只有我們知道” 我心裡就像,怎麼我住的城市裡從來都不放中文片的,哈這部也應該沒得看了。就在我上往下一條update看的時候突然看到我住的城市的名字出現在那個海報上面。我把那張照片放大,就非常的驚訝,竟然這部戲會在我城市裡地一間電影院會播!從來沒在加拿大的電影院裡面看過中文片的我就心癢癢的想要出看那部戲了。我跟我另外一個好朋友去看了以後,就被這位高冷男神迷住了。UH OH。我感染了粉絲花痴病了 *嘿嘿*。

好久沒用微博的我也開始每天去留意吳亦凡的消息。就在一月份的時後有人在微博說吳亦凡將會跟劉亦菲合演暢銷小說“原來你還在這裡”。我想: 天啊!劉亦菲跟吳亦凡簡直就是完美的搭配,女的漂亮男的,哎, 不用說了.....。因為被主角陣容吸引,我就開始在網上查查到底哪裡可以買這本書看。就這樣讓我認識辛夷塢這位作者。因先入為主的關係,我無法再去想像那男女主角的樣子,腦海裡一直就把吳亦凡當作是男主角,劉亦菲事女主角的樣子。我心總是覺得戲還沒開拍我只好看小說讓我想像吳亦凡跟劉亦菲在一起會是怎麼樣的。我喜歡看書,什麼書都看,但中文書很小會完完整整地讀完。辛夷塢的這本讓我非常的投入,是一本讓我從頭看到尾的一本。說真的,網友沒騙我,這本書的確好看。我真的非常期待看看吳亦凡的演出,期待看他跟劉亦菲會在屏幕上擦出什麼火花來著!就讓我這位粉絲花痴瘋狂下去吧哈哈 :)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hello Again!

It has been too long since my last post! School and work has been extremely busy yet fun. Now that finals are approaching and Summer holidays is coming my way,  I hope to be able to blog more about my travel adventures! It seems as if it is a tradition, I love blogging and procrastinating before exams, which increases my stress level, but it just always happens that way! Well, this blog definitely needs some updating and changes. Thank you to all who still visit my blog. I will be making changes and updating my pages very soon!

Oh yeah! Count down to Shanghai trip--> 7 more days.

Little Stars

P.S. Smile!

Monday, January 05, 2015

Stand By Me Doraemon

Photo Credit: photo retrieved from All rights to the rightful owner/media. No copyright infringement intended.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2015!

Recently Stumbled upon a trailer for the movie "Stand By Me Doraemon". Having grown up with Doraemon anime and manga, I was super excited and surprised to see the trailer. It is absolutely too cute. It's great to see a change in the format of Doraemon, giving its fans and audience an experience with amazing 3D effects. Definitely going to order the DVD online if it gets released in the future.

A really sad thing that happened a few days ago was that the voice actor for Doraemon (in Hong Kong) passed away just 3 days ago. I think that a lot of fans of Doraemon in HK will definitely go and watch this film. According to online sources, the Cantonese Version will be released during Chinese New Year which would be in February. The movie, however, was realesed in other places much earlier-- it was released in August 2014 in Japan.

 As for myself, I think I will need to wait till the DVD is released and I would love to buy the HK version of it... (if that ever comes out that is), that will be the last works of Lam Po Cheun. Just wanted to say Thank you Mr. Lam for making my childhood so much fun and memorable with Doraemon, thank you for the gift of your amazing voice talent!

It has been too too long since my last post, and as for a 2015 resolution, besides staying fit and eating more healthy is to blog more, as a form of stress relief! I think University has been extremely stressful and will definitely need to chill and rant in some form or way. Well better enjoy the last week of my holidays before all that nursing stress comes back!

In the meantime, enjoy the OST for Stand By Me Doraemon movie. In love with this song right now....

Little Stars