就怏開學了............好緊張啊!!!!哈哈.......不知道朋友們也有同感嗎?現在聽著炎亞綸唱的「願意不愛你」感覺好溫爰啊!!!!!!!!好消息............「終極一家原聲帶」終於推出了,如果想要的話請在 cbox 內留下message吧!如果係想要原聲帶內的其中幾首歌曲,沒問題,只要告訢我哪幾首我都會 send 給你的。請在cbox留下message和e-mail吧。
It's almost school! I'm soo nervous! HAHA don't know if you guys are feeling the same! I'm listening to Aaron Yan's song " Willing not to love you" feels soo warm! Great news, if you are fans of Fahrenheit, and happen to know about the Drama " The X-Family" the soundtrack has been released! If you want to listen to a few tracks, tell me in the cbox including your email, i will send them too you!