嘩! 真不敢相信十ニ月已經到了!相信大家都知道Christmas 就快來啦!我真的很期待啊! 今年, 是Fahrenheit Avenue 的第一個Christmas 希望各位members 會多多支持FA 的 Christmas Activity! 請把你聖誕 wishes submit 在FA 的 "Fahrenheit Avenue Celebrates Christams" 的 post 內.....或 email 到 FahrenheitAvenue@hotmail.com 吧!
Wow it's hard to believe that December is already here! Everyone knows that Christmas is just around the corner! I am so excited! This year's christmas is Fahrenheit Avenue's first christams. Therefore, I hope that fellow members of my forum will help support our christmas activity this year! Please submit your messages to FA in the post entitled "Fahrenheit Avenue Celebrates Christmas" or directly to our email FahrenheitAvenue@hotmail.com. NO MESSAGES WILL BE SUBMITTED INTO THE CHRISTMAS CARD IF MESSAGES ARE SUBMITTED UNDER OTHER POSTS ON THE FORUM!!!!!