今天在綱上又看到了韓國的一個有名的卡通小熊叫 Wishwing 覺得他很可愛。上一年在綱上看到他沒有想過他為什麽叫 Wishwing, 不過今天我終於明白了... 今天我在綱上找到它的迷你 biography 了! Wishwing 這個名字很有意思的, 而且很簡單。"Wish" 是"願望"的意思 而 "wing" 就是"翅膀"的意思, 那麼,如果你把"wish" 還有"wing" 這兩個字加起來就等如 "想飛"的意思; 也就是說, Wishwing 這一隻可愛的小熊希望他有一天可以飛。創造他的人希望當小朋友抱著這隻可愛的小熊的時候就會跟 Wishwing 一樣一直抱著有希望的精神去度過每一天! Wishwing 這小messenger 意義可大呢!
I haven't used English in my blog for quite a while... well actually I never really did*hehe*. So today, I have decided to type my entry in English today. Just a few hours ago I was browsing on the internet and I came across this small Korean cartoon bear again "Wishwing" is his name. I thought he was extremely cute when I first saw him last year but I never really thought about going in depth and finding out why he was named Wishwing. So today, I decided to do so! After hours and hours of frantic search I finally found out the meaning of this cute bear's name. His name is rather simple I think. First of all, lets break his name apart. His name consists of two words: "wish" and "wing". The word "wish" means to desire or long for, and the word "wing"- well that's really self explanatory (hehe). In other words, Wishwing's name means tha the wants or longs to fly one day. The creators of Wishwing wanted children to have the same kind of thinking and motivation like Wishwing in their daily lives. What a great meaning this little messenger has!