Okay... even though last month I was pretty excited for school, I seriously want it to be summer holidays again where its homework free! I'm still up doing some chemistry lab homework right now. I really do need to catch some sleep.... I'M SO TIRED. This weekend went by too too fast. I was waiting for it the whole time and now boom. its over. I'm actually really nervous because on Thursday it will be my physics exam and well I didn't do so well on my physics quiz this past week so I'm worried and scared that I will do bad on my exam (which is worth more in marks than a quiz) as well! *sigh* well got to get going with my homework!

wait.... there is one thing that i'm happy about though...... DBSK's Mirotic Album!
I just love the MV for Mirotic, even though I don't really get the true meaning, I think that it is just one amazing MV! well got to go now! Please enjoy the song Mirotic by DBSK ( now playing on my blog)!