christmas eve. a white christmas
YAY! I can hardly believe, finally after many many brown Christmases we finally get a white Christmas! I'm extremely happy and totally in the Christmas mood! Hopefully my Christmas banner will give you a super joyful Christmas mood as well! Just a couple of weeks ago, when I went Christmas shopping I bought this book full of Peanuts characters and quotes. It's called "A Treasury of Happiness" inside there's this section full of funny Christmas quotes and one of them really caught my attention... it said: "Christmas is a time of hope, a time of loving, a time of joy" Although it's just one quote, it really summarizes what Christmas is really all about-- a time for family sharing and love!Since today is such a special day I think I will split this post to two parts! It is now 10:42 am.... hopefully after today's Christmas play at chruch ends I will be able to once again come on and continue to share about my Christmas thoughts with you all!Merry Merry Christmas!Little Stars