Wow, time just zooms by, I am now officially done my academic exams, I am still awaiting for my piano exam which I am extremely worried about. Hopefully, I will be able to do well on that exam. Well, about my chemistry exam... I don't want to say too much about it because I don't wanna like jinx my test. I just hope I did okay, that's all I'm gonna say. Anyways, today was a pretty good day besides the fact that I had a chemistry exam in the morning. My Korean friend and I went to Chinatown today for some Bubble tea and well since I haven't had mango bubble tea for a while I thought it was really good. HAHA the funny thing is, well we were trying to save money and we ended up buying those chinese buns at this chinese bakery and went to a mall's food court and drank and ate our chinese buns there. Well I thought it was pretty funny because you know how in food courts they always have somewhat of a sign or whatever that says "No outside food please." well my friend and I just ignored that and enjoyed our bubble tea and Chinese buns. HEHE soo funny. So anyways, recently took the advice from my korean friend and decided to watch the Korean version of "Boys Over Flowers" according to her the guys in this version are super hot. :] maybe I should give it a try :] .
Best Wishes,
Little Stars