an amazing spring break treat-- 2pm new song!
Recently, I have been into the band 2PM, their music is very energetic and they all have amazing talent in dancing. It's super late right now--(or should I say early) and I just went on and saw 2Pm's new MV "Again and Again" the song is quite good and catchy. :] One of the best things is that 2Pm has comeback with a more powerful and strong style. Very impressive! I am planning to order their new album "Time For Change" online as soon as it is officially released! Really really want to support them for all their hard work over the past months! Anyways, since I'm soo happy that their new song and MV from their new album just got released I will be sharing it on my blog with you all.
*hehe* Coincidence or what? I'm watching 2Pm's new releases at 2 o' clock in the morning... just not pm but it would've been funny if it was 2 in the afternoon!
Have a great day!
Little Stars