Today has been a really fast yet wonderful day. First of all, the weather's awesome! Second of all...... the idea of setting up a youth band in our parish is finally starting to form. Both my friend and I are really happy that our idea is being supported by many parishioners at our church! Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers! Hopefully our parish will be touched by the music that our future band will be singing and producing! But of course, I must thank the camp and the person I met at the camp who is willing to share the wonderful songs and provide advice for us!
Anyways! I can't really think of anything else to say...... I will continue to pray and continue give thanks and service towards others around me and become a witness to God's wonderful love for us!
Little Stars
:] I know I've been talking about the WCCCLC camp for a while now, but I still cannot stop thinking about the music and songs I have learned! Anyways, so recently, I found some of the songs that we sang at the camp and I'm currently learning to play them on the piano.... its quite fun! I guess that's my little musical adventure highlight of the weekend. *HAHA* I finally completed my Korean Quiz today (from lessons).......le'ts just say it wasn't really a quiz, my friend and I plus the teacher helped each other out during the "testing" anyways, it was more like a review of zoo animals! Pretty awesome! I also learned about the body parts of humans....... i have the word "mori" (which means "Head" ) stuck in my head! *hehe* funny leh?! WOW it is getting super late and I'm still on the computer updating my blog! *EEEEK* Anywho..... gotta finish my one page math homework before I go to sleep!
Thank you for visiting!
Little Stars
Wow I can't believe its' already been a week since I went to 加西! I really really miss the camp!
I still have quite a bit of homework to do, yet...... I don't really feel like doing it right now. I'm being too distracted by the internet right now. HMMMM I still have to study for my Korean quiz tomorrow! I still havent!
Talking about tests, today I did my first unit test in math.....I hope I did okay!
Well better get going!Little Stars
This past weekend I went to a camp in BC called WCCCLC: Dare to be a witness of Love.
I can only use one word to describe this camp. AMAZING! WCCCLC is probably one of the most awesome camps I have ever been. Through the music and faith sharing it has really opened my heart to many new things and even people. WCCCLC 2009 will definitely be one of those camp memories I will cherish deeply! I personally enjoyed the Father Talks and morning exercises very much! They not only were fun, but allowed me to interact with people from various parishes! All I have to say is Thank you Lord for this opportunity! Anyways, So I started school for about 2 weeks now and well let's just say its been really really good. I will continue to work hard as I journey towards my goal of getting into university! **uh oh** its getting late! I have a math quiz tomorrow! Better get going!
Little Stars