:] I know I've been talking about the WCCCLC camp for a while now, but I still cannot stop thinking about the music and songs I have learned! Anyways, so recently, I found some of the songs that we sang at the camp and I'm currently learning to play them on the piano.... its quite fun! I guess that's my little musical adventure highlight of the weekend. *HAHA* I finally completed my Korean Quiz today (from lessons).......le'ts just say it wasn't really a quiz, my friend and I plus the teacher helped each other out during the "testing" anyways, it was more like a review of zoo animals! Pretty awesome! I also learned about the body parts of humans....... i have the word "mori" (which means "Head" ) stuck in my head! *hehe* funny leh?! WOW it is getting super late and I'm still on the computer updating my blog! *EEEEK* Anywho..... gotta finish my one page math homework before I go to sleep!
Thank you for visiting!
Little Stars