It is 7:00 AM right now, my alarm clock/radio woke me up extremely early with the loud music of Cantonese Opera--not really the type of music a typical person would listen........ that stuff is really my alarm clock morning call kind of music-- makes me wake up! WOW, coming to think of it has already been a year since last Halloween! Time sure zooms by in a blink of an eye. *Hmmm* I wonder, do you guys celebrate Halloween where you live? What do you do? This year, I am invited over to a friends house to have fun and watch horror movies--except I am quite chicken I don't know If I'll have much fun scaring myself!! *HAHA* My friend joked around and said that I should hide behind the stuff animals my other friend had when the scary part comes. I think that would work!
Well that's all I have to say now! I hope I'll be back to update you guys about my most embarrassing moments that may happen at the party today! Well at least what were some of the stuff we did....... I hope I don't embarrass myself! >.<Little Stars (will be back for my Halloween fun updates!)--hopefully.
Halloween Activities update and reflection: Best Halloween I've ever had!
As promised today, I came back to post about my Halloween activities I did today. I can use one word to describe this year's Halloween........EXTREMELY FUN and EXTREMELY AWESOME! REALLY! I was invited by one of my school friends to her house this Halloween, and boy we had a heck of a time! Not only were the four of us crazily having fun, we created a rather awkward new holiday called Halloweenmas. Yes, you might be able to guess what it is already. YUP Halloween x Christmas=Halloweenmas. Instead of saying the boring old "Trick-or-treat." or singing the "Trick-or treat, smell my feet..." song, we sang Christmas carols! We used green and red papers , folded them like a caroling book, and went from house to house and sang a whole bunch of christmas songs. We even said "Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year." to the house owners. That was not the only fun and extremley awesome part! The really funny part was seeing each house's reaction to our way of asking for candy. I remember one of the houses we went to was a guy around our age, and when he opend the door, we began to sing "Silent Night" AND OMGOSH, it was halarious! His reaction and face was more like "What the hell is wrong with these people?" The he said to us: "It's Halloween guys. Not Christmas--you guys want Candy?" Well no duh! *AHHA* Of course we know..... I mean I was dressed up as a RN (Registered Nurse) going for candy! This year's Halloween was rather christmasy for my friends and I. We even got crazy over cans and cans of silly strings just like people would during christmas parties. To be honest, I had the most wonderul Halloween in my life-- or should I say the best and VERY FIRST Halloweenmas??
Happy Halloween Everyone!
Little Stars
Amazed. Really! Big Bang is preparing for the wintery Christmas theme! (Just Kidding) well at least I think so anyways. Big Bang has stepped into the more soft and soothing kind of music and away from the strong and powerful dance music. A totally new aspect of them has been revealed! Well the more manlier and kind- hearted Big Bang..... to be honest I am really glad to be able to see DaeSung all fully recovered in this MV, despite of his major injuries from the accident, his voice has shown how strong he is as a person! Personally, I am very amazed by Big Bang's new song! It is not the loud and full blast music that they always sing, but a very inspiring and wintery like song instead. Definitely a new Big Bang for us! Hmmm I wonder if there will be a Korean version? All I know as of now is that it will be the OST for a Japanese Drama...... (I don't recall the name).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Camera Issues.... 黃子華 Comedy Show: After Thoughts
A couple of days ago, I attended a comedy show hosted by 黃子華. In the talk show, he commented on some of the weirdest camera habits we as people have nowadays. I personally really agree with what he said (not worded exactly; but close enough!) " Nowadays, cameras and cellphones are like a part of our lives. We can become our own directors and photographers. We can take pictures of ANYTHING. Even just a bowl of CHAN DAN MEEN (aka ham and egg with ramen noodles)... seriously we take those pictures and we even take time to upload them onto sites. I mean seriously, have we not seen CHAN DAN MEEN before?"
When he said that I automatically remember my two HK friends who are like extremely obessed with their cellphones and cameras. I mean, really, out of the blue, they will take any pictures from eaten food, to just taking their own faces. I really agree with 黃子華's comment, we are all photographers and directors. With one camera or even just cellphone we become our own media entertainers.
Holy smokes! Extremely late right now! Better get some sleep!
Little Stars
G-Dragon's fantasy land... I would love to take a step into it and have G-Dragon be my guide. Actually, I really am just talking about the animated MV of "Butterfly" the 4th track of his solo album "Heartbreaker". I must say, Butterfly is one of my favorite tracks because it is very soothing and relaxing to listen to.....just like the feeling where G-Dragon becomes your guide and tours you around in his little fantasy land. ^____________^ Lovely!
Personally, I really love GD's Butterfly MV because it is an MV that has stepped away from the usual "dancing and singing" type mvs and gone into a very beautiful and dreamy animated one! Definitely an MV that has originality and creativity! (Just like GD!)
Anyways, it's pretty late now! Better get going!
Little Stars
I've Included the MV in the ipod! Please watch and enjoy the magic!
I must say, I am extremely proud of SHINee! When their second album "Juliette" release about 4-5 months ago.... I was rather disappointed. Their first Album release + singles and mini albums were exceptionally awesome. However, it is only that the second album rather made me feel disappointed. Especially how some of the songs sounded very much like the ones from the first album "SHINee World".......
EXCEPT NOW........ SHINee has really broken out of that "Julliete" shell and given us as the audience and fans a new fresh SHINee! For the past few days I have been on sites to listen to the previews of their new Album "2009, Year of Us" and I must say, this album is worth SHINee's fans and consumers to buy! My Favorite tracks based on the previews and full version of one song would be "Ring Ding Dong" and "JoJo". Fashion wise..... I think they've grown a lot HOTTER LOL!
I must say, Congratulations SHINee!
Little Stars
Hi again, Very seldom do I post two posts in one day! This holiday is really giving some good rest and free time away from homework! Anyways, so I was just on YouTube browsing some Taiwanese Dramas cause I don't really have anything to do......GUESS WHAT! I found a rather interesting drama to watch. Although I'm not a fan of F4 I think that this drama with Vaness is going to be very interesting. I definitely recommend it... well I saw basically the trailer so far. I am watching the first episode right now. To be honest, I haven't touched Taiwanese entertainment for a while.... but I am excited to watch more of this drama. It seems pretty interesting. Anyways...... better get watching!
Little Stars
Recently, I was browsing on the internet for some kawaii food pictures. The ones where people use photoshop brushes and make adorable faces on pictures of cakes, breads, sushi etc. Then I stumbled upon this site and holy smokes this site was CUTE. It even showed you how to make those some extremely cute cell phone strap accessories and cute huggable plushies! Well, this weekend I am on holidays for Thanksgiving so I think I am going to start to learn to make these adorable things!!
For some reason, once I woke up today, I had this huge craving for 비빔빕! >.< 배 고 파!!!!!
hmmm I think I should go make some breakfast right now. Hopefully I will take initiative and start making those cute plushies and cell phone straps. I will for sure post some pictures to share with you all!
Thanks for Visiting!
Little Stars
posted Friday... not wednesday..... HAHA
This is the continued version of Wednesday's post!
하 하 ! 안 녕! This is absolutely fun! I am finally learning to type Korean on my computer. It's so funny how I'm usually pretty fast on the key board yet when it comes to typing Korean I am rather slow! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ^^ .... >.< 찐짜! I still have homework to do! Luckily this week, my marks did go up quite a bit! I must keep working hard! Anyways... .. better get going! Oh the weather is so cold recently! I think I'm getting a sore throat!
Little Stars
Wow, in a blink of an eye, the weather has changed dramatically! From hot sunny days to windy, icy, and cold snowy weather. Seriously not a very pleasant experience right now. It doesn't stop there though...... just when I think I am doing fine in school... I found out I really am not. My marks are not soo great! I am extremely worried! What should I do? I mean, I'm not really slacking off or anything..... I am doing homework and studying....... it's just not so great today! I am worried. tired. scared. and cold. Not such a great day......
I really hope my marks will go back up!
Little Stars