Amazed. Really! Big Bang is preparing for the wintery Christmas theme! (Just Kidding) well at least I think so anyways. Big Bang has stepped into the more soft and soothing kind of music and away from the strong and powerful dance music. A totally new aspect of them has been revealed! Well the more manlier and kind- hearted Big Bang..... to be honest I am really glad to be able to see DaeSung all fully recovered in this MV, despite of his major injuries from the accident, his voice has shown how strong he is as a person! Personally, I am very amazed by Big Bang's new song! It is not the loud and full blast music that they always sing, but a very inspiring and wintery like song instead. Definitely a new Big Bang for us! Hmmm I wonder if there will be a Korean version? All I know as of now is that it will be the OST for a Japanese Drama...... (I don't recall the name).
Camera Issues.... 黃子華 Comedy Show: After Thoughts
A couple of days ago, I attended a comedy show hosted by 黃子華. In the talk show, he commented on some of the weirdest camera habits we as people have nowadays. I personally really agree with what he said (not worded exactly; but close enough!) " Nowadays, cameras and cellphones are like a part of our lives. We can become our own directors and photographers. We can take pictures of ANYTHING. Even just a bowl of CHAN DAN MEEN (aka ham and egg with ramen noodles)... seriously we take those pictures and we even take time to upload them onto sites. I mean seriously, have we not seen CHAN DAN MEEN before?"
When he said that I automatically remember my two HK friends who are like extremely obessed with their cellphones and cameras. I mean, really, out of the blue, they will take any pictures from eaten food, to just taking their own faces. I really agree with 黃子華's comment, we are all photographers and directors. With one camera or even just cellphone we become our own media entertainers.
Holy smokes! Extremely late right now! Better get some sleep!
Little Stars