Today is.....SUCH A GREAT DAY! Although it did not start of to be a very good day at first, I guess using the phrase "best comes last" fits my day totally today! Hmm so for quite a few weeks I have been bombarded with tests, exams, diplomas, and bad marks. Well true, life sure wasn't too great. And well, I am not a very bright mathematical person; so I decided last month that I wanted to go into a better math class for semester two. Unfortunately, this week, while talking to my school councilor, I found out that wanting to go into a certain math class is rather hard. I went back to school during my short exam break numerous times, including today and was constantly told that I was still on waiting list for that class. I must say: miracles do happen! After numerous hopes and prayers, and with my family and friends' help through prayer, I found out just a few minutes ago I have made it into that math class! I really thank the Lord for helping throught this harsh time! As well as my teacher and friends! Yes, today has been a great day, though it did not start out as great, it truly was a "bitter sweet miracle day"!
Happy wishes to everyone! Little Stars May your hopes and dreams become true too! Thank you Jesus for your help!
"Seum sa tang........" HEHE. Yep! The title says it all, I am finally free from the horror of final exams! :] And with this carefree feeling I am so glad that Daesung--YG Entertainment especially for releasing his new digital single "솜사당" aka Cotton Candy. It is such a cute and happy song... the kind that sounds like you're strolling freely and happily on the streets of downtown with an ice cream shop, candy shop, and a coffee shop on the sides--with the sun just above and white clouds, and a bright blue sky.......... yeah, just like that kind of feeling---worry free! So glad YG has let it out as a free download song for a couple of days. Just matches my very feeling right now! Well I have nothing much to say but to ENJOY THE SONG!
Yes, just as the title states: I have decided to "閉關" aka "close the door" and go into "total preparation" mode. It sounds silly, I know but well I guess in order for me to do well on exams that's the only way to do it.......lock myself in my room and study for like hours and hours. Success is my goal..........well at least successful entry to university. 朋友們! Please pray for me and wish me luck during this stressful time >.< ("sigh" no kidding-- acne explosion on my chin >.<) Anyways, yes I am being rather self centered right now.....all me me me *hehe* sorry ['_________']. "人生就像一個做事" ----"Life is like a story" 同意嗎? Agree? *Hmmm* , yes-- in a way. But the life is no fairy tale, reality (like exams) really smashes your fantasy-like dreams into pieces. "Sigh" well I guess I better go and start my" 閉關"! See you all after my exams! *haha*
The three Characters I got from the supermarket: from left to right: Rintoo, Hoho, Tolee
It's that time of year where the word "EXAM" once again becomes your worst enemy. Stress seems to find you anywhere you go. Well, I guess that life right? After all, how can life be interesting without the stress along with it? Well to be honest, I feel like im in a "fighting match" right now, counting down to when my exams will finally and officially be over. I recently finished my first diploma exam on Thursday. So 1 down, 4 to go. Still a long way. But at least the good part is after all exams are over, its Chinese New Year! The most wonderful time of the year... can't wait! Coming to think about Chinese New Year, this year will be the year of the Tiger right? "RAWR!!!" *hehe* So to share something funny with you all, yesterday, my mom and I did some late night groccery shopping after going skiing and instead of actually buying food items, we went to the "Toys" section of the supermarket and bought 3 of the "Ni Hao Kai Lan" characters in TY beanie babies form--becaues they were sooo cute!! For those of you who do not live where I do, "Ni Hao Kai Lan" is an English--Mandarin cross over show for toddlers and young children. It is very similar to Dora the Explorer, but instead of Spanish they teach younger kids about the Chinese culture and Mandarin Dialect. Anyways, so what I thought was really funny was after we bought the TY plushies and went home, I turned on the tv to that Children's Channel and surprisngly "Ni Hao Kai Lan" was on and was also talking about Chinese New Year! Cool right? *HEHE* Well at Least I thought it was a really cool and interesting coincedence :] . Well I think I should get going, I'm going to get new glasses today. Toodles! Little Stars
Hey Everyone! I am currently testing out new templates. Please bear with me as I experiment theses changes! An official choice over a template will be made soon. Sorry for any inconvenience!