A Good Day! And my thankful heart ....
Today is.....SUCH A GREAT DAY! Although it did not start of to be a very good day at first, I guess using the phrase "best comes last" fits my day totally today! Hmm so for quite a few weeks I have been bombarded with tests, exams, diplomas, and bad marks. Well true, life sure wasn't too great. And well, I am not a very bright mathematical person; so I decided last month that I wanted to go into a better math class for semester two. Unfortunately, this week, while talking to my school councilor, I found out that wanting to go into a certain math class is rather hard. I went back to school during my short exam break numerous times, including today and was constantly told that I was still on waiting list for that class. I must say: miracles do happen! After numerous hopes and prayers, and with my family and friends' help through prayer, I found out just a few minutes ago I have made it into that math class! I really thank the Lord for helping throught this harsh time! As well as my teacher and friends! Yes, today has been a great day, though it did not start out as great, it truly was a "bitter sweet miracle day"!Happy wishes to everyone!Little StarsMay your hopes and dreams become true too!Thank you Jesus for your help!