*Credit: to photo owner No copyright infringement intended.*
Today is a fantastic day--Jesus has resurrected! Although I did not celebrate Easter Sunday at church today, I did go to the Easter Vigil last night at my own parish. It has been a while since I've actually gone to an Easter Vigil celebration--- probably about three years. Anyways, as this Easter Season has begun, I feel very blessed and fortunate to be able to celebrate Easter Sunday with my family! Today, although unlike every other Sunday I did not attend mass, but I was able to spend a day in the amazing nature with my family down in Banff. As my heart rejoiced deeply about the meaningful resurrection of Jesus, I was also celebrating the time I got to spend with my family in Banff. Hmmm how can I word my trip so I don't keep repeating myself. Let's see............ although this time I did not each at the Japanese Noodle house Chaya, I went to the Chinese resturaunt instead and ate fried noodles and fried rice! I must say, the food there is so fillling! We ate lunch at around 1:00 and was able to tour around the town center of Banff without worry about hunger!
Oh right! *Haha* shopping! Wow my mother and I went on a total shopping spree! I got this long-slim looking hoody and a t-shirt, while my mom got a t-shirt and some other stuff-- I don't quite recall. ( okay true.... not a total big huge shopping spree, but for people like us who don't really spend a lot on shopping, the amount of stuff we bought today was more than usual! *hehe*). Anywho, unlike my usual visits to Banff, I did not take too many photos, but I did took a few of them just to show you what Banff looks like in the Spring. To be honest, I've been to Banff many times, but I never seem to get bored of that place! There's always amazing shopping deals, breath-taking views, and amazing food variety!
One of my many adventuring goals is to visit Banff all four seasons. So far, I've been to Banff during the summer, winter, and spring seasons. I haven't been to Banff during the autumn season yet, but I would love to do so this upcoming Autumn (which is a while away!) Well that's all! Here is a small slideshow of the pictures I took today during my Easter Sunday trip to Banff!
Happy Easter everyone! God Bless!