I just cannot believe how fast time keeps going by! In a blink of an eye, 2010 has come to its end. *Hmmm* time for a quick reflection, WOW, 2010 has been like a "roller coaster" ride for me. There had been many ups and downs, tears and joy, and best of all the excitement of achievement. 2010 has been a really important year for me because it is the year I graduate for High School and begin the Post Secondary School life. The "UPS" of this year was that I managed to accomplish my greatest dream and goal--to make it into University and begin my Nursing Studies. Though the decisions and hard work I had to put in to be able to reach this goal was really tiring and I always complained and nagged about "giving up" I am very blessed to be able to stay strong and have the opportunity to reach my ultimate goal! (I praise and THANK the Lord of all his care and support during that time!). The "DOWNS" of 2010 was probably my injuries I endured. Unfortunately, this year, due to my clumsiness and heavy backpack I slipped down the stairs in my house and severely inujured my tailbone. >.< (DANG- I still feel that pain in my tailbone). But, once again, I am just grateful my close friend's Dad helped me with rehab and supported me until I could walk properly again. I thank my school friends too for helping me at school carrying my books and backpack to class! I TRULY DO FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! *Sigh-Ah* Well there is just so much I want to say! Good thing I began this post early, it is now 2:18 in the morning. I will be going out of town from morning til the afternoon for a Brunch just outside of my city--to the small town named Canmore. I will be spending New Year's Eve with my family once again! I will definitely come back to post more about my adventures and reflection! See you soon!
Little Stars