On a day when stress of a midterm exam makes you want to "rip your hairs out" you wouldn't expect anything can cheer you up.......
Except today, I was able to experience such a little surprise. During the summer of 2009, my close friend and I were very fortunate to meet a personal teacher who taught us Korean. Our lessons lasted till Christmas of that same year (when she went back to Korea). Not only did this amazing teacher teach us how to read and write Hanguel, she even told us many of the traditions and fun things we would be able to find in Korea. This amazing teacher has become one of our greatest friend! However, due to busy school schedules, we were unable to keep in touch for at least a year! Until last week, I took the initiative and tried emailing her again--not expecting a reply since I had no idea whether or not she used the same email.
This morning, while I was still facing some great stress for my exam and not having a very good day to start, as I opened my email account, an email from this awesome teacher/friend arrived.
Although the email was not a very long one, it become one that was very dear to my heart as well as my close friend's heart. It really cheered our day up! Just a small message can really become a small surprise treat for us!
To our most amazing teacher: Thank you Amy for your special email message!
Little Stars