Today has been a rather tough day at school I should say. Every Thursday I am unfortunately trapped at school for 12 full hours working like there is no tomorrow on school work >.<. Unfortunately, my usual Thursdays didn't end off like I wanted it to..... I really hope next week will be better... but then....
Next week is once again that "SUPER" stressful week of midterms for my nursing courses. I am seriously extremely nervous about my two tests. I pray to do well :] and well I hope that whatever happened during my lab today won't carry through to the weekend and affect my studying. It is just so sad how one thing happens and it kinda destroys your whole mood.....
But well I must say, Geek's version of "officially Missing You" is really making me relax a bit though I am still recovering from my "anger" at what happened during my lab today at school. I have featured the song on my blog. I have a very strong feeling that Geeks will become a very successful group of talented Rappers and Singers in the Korean music industry.
I just hope the continuous guitar instrumental and relaxing beats will ease my unhappiness and anxiety! Oh and another thing that is really cheering me up is the amazingly cute "Bears Bread" picture. Have a look!
Little Stars