Friday, April 15, 2011

A Song and Prayer to all my Friends......

I am currently spending most of my time studying and preparing for exams. To be honest, I am quite nervous. I find that I am somewhat a procrastinator........therefore, I especially want to pray today. I pray that God will give me strength to be able to do well on my exams and to stay focus when studying. During my break today, I stumbled onto a very beautiful song about praying to our almighty Lord. I though I might share it on the blog today.

Below are the lyrics to this amazing and touching song...

I Pray

禱告 因為我們渺小
禱告 因為知道 我需要 明瞭 祢心意對我們重要
禱告 以假裝不了
禱告 因為祢的愛我需要 祢關懷 我走過的祢都明白
有些是我只想要對祢說 因祢比任何人都愛我
痛苦從眼中流下 我知道祢為我擦
再早晨我也要來對祢說 主耶穌今天我為祢活

To all my fellow university friends, good luck on all of your exams!

*The song is currently featured on my blog! Enjoy!!!

God Bless!
Little Stars