Thursday, December 22, 2011

Restaurant Experience Gone Wrong #2

"Be Assertive, not Passive
because you'll only be
angry at yourself."
Okay. So how do I put this? I have no idea what is wrong with the restauraunts in my city this year. I have been encountering some pretty bad servers lately.... from the crappy experience I got from the Viet restaurant now to the Chinese Restaurant who claims they have a pretty good Hot Pot deal. NO. Because some big jerk FORCED us to pay him tips..... I mean the hot pot was buffet style, what service do you expect? My friends and I perhaps experienced the worst "ripped off" experience ever. SERIOUSLY. Yet at the same time, all four of us were so mad at ourselves for not standing up to that jerk (let's refer to him as Mr. Window for privacy concerns).

The night started out being extremely fun and great, we laughed and joked as we ate and we ate a lot of really good stuff like beef and fish o(^v^)o, and all the hot pot goodies. But when it came to the time to pay, MR. WINDOW wrecked the fun atmosphere. Without actually showing us a cheque, he points to a pink slip and says: "Each of you have to pay 24 dollars."
Of course, my awesome friend did speak up and said: "Isn't it only 19 dollars, so..."
"Oh yah yah, like plus a small fee." he continues.     [(>w<)--WTF]

Oh okay, a small fee, for what? Yet, we were all so stoked at his rude attitude, we eventually just gave him the money and left. I mean we did not want to cause a scene with so many people lined up to pay. There are many lessons I have learned from this experience.

A. DON'T pay with cash, cause the jerk probably just took the money for himself.

B. SPEAK UP! Being passive, like we were, only results us in being angry at ourselves, yet we were the victims.

I really hope someone goes and catches Mr. Window for his rudeness. I mean seriously, forcing people to pay you tips? MAN YOU ARE CHEAP.

Thank you all for listening to my rant!

Only 3 MORE DAYS till Christmas!
Little Stars