finished exams... welcome summer!
Yesh! Finally done all my exams, sure gave me a very stressful time. Anyways, I am officially on summer holidays now! Planning to buy a camera..... but then I don't know which one is a good one. Another good thing is my 2pm cds finally arrived 2 weeks ago. Didn't have a chance to post about this awesome news last 2 weeks because of homework and exams. *hehe* but now that I am free, I can finally post and update my blog. Kind of worried about my diploma though for biology, but i hope I didn't fail it.
Upcoming plans for the summer?Um quite a bit of stuff happening this summer-- I have summer school -- so I can get some of my subjects over with ( so not as stressful during the school year) and well it may not sound too exciting but I am going to Edmonton this year with my great family friends. Hmmmmm oh and yes I am going to learn bandminton and ping pong during August. HEHE another highlight? Getting contacts in 2-3 weeks. Super excited.
Anyways better go grab some breakfast ^^
Little Stars