just bored.

*Hmmm* today seems like such a boring day--- (cloudy skies, not much sunshine)... there is nothing to do. Anyways, so there is still one more day before my summer school journey of two and a bit weeks. I'm currently trying to find some interesting movies to watch or to search up on but nothing is coming to my mind at the moment-- cause I'm just sooo bored. But just two minutes ago, I got myself into some quick snapshotting...... here is my big stuffed dog. I don't have a name for him-- ( I don't even know whny I just assumed that he's a guy) but anyways here is one of the best pics I took of him. Under my doggy snapshot is the picture I took at the BBQ party this passed Sunday. Of the wonderful wilderness. For some odd reason I feel proud of this picture. I think I really should learn some photography.. its;'s a lot of fun!
Anyways. better start finding some movies to watch before I rot of boredom!
Little Stars