On my way to the mall on a beautiful Friday
evening. |
This past week is my last week working as a full time at my clinic. Once September hits, it will be the back to normal part time shifts along with teaching job and school of course. August was no more than work and rest (sleep ins) but really, I think I am ready for school and the normal schedule. So, to prepare myself, I went on a little shopping today. Initially, I had an orthodontist appointment to get my wires changed for my braces. And then I had a whole afternoon/evening of absolutely nothing to do. Most of my friends usually work on the weekends, so basically Fridays in the summer is basically a personal time for me. I actually don't really mind personal hang out days. They can be quite fun and you can really get a lot of actual shopping done I guess.
Well, the first thing I did was use my free movie ticket which expires today. I watched a rather cute movie called "The Odd Life of Timothy Green". To be honest, I wasn't really planning to watch this movie since I wasn't too interested in it after watching the trailer last week. But, I can tell you one thing, this movie was cute, enchanting, and well a tear jerker (for me anyways). It's not really a movie you would watch with your friends as a hangout option I guess. To read more about my thoughts about this movie, please check out my
Music and Media page.

After the movie, I walked over to the local bookstore next to the cinema and went looking for some interesting books to buy. Recently, I have been seeing my friends talk about this book called "1Q84" by Haruki Murakami, it is originally a Japanese fiction that has been translated to English. I am quite adventurous in tastes regarding books. So, even though I am not really sure what the hype is about htis book, I decided to buy it. Checking online (with my iPhone) while deciding whether or not it was worth my investement, I read some reviews and found out that it was supposedly a very big hit last year. Though I am one year late, I can't wait to start this book. Hopefully, by the time I am done, I will be able to share with you all about my thoughts on this book.
Shopping alone...
Shopping.... well, I guess you can say I am quite a lonely shopper. I find that many times I can find what I really want when I shop alone. Though I didn't do very much today, I bought a very cute scarf from H&M for about $14.95. Definitely another good find to add to my accessories collection. I am hoping to do more shopping this weekend, so hopefully I can find some good deals to add to my wardrobe.
Well that's all for now! Thanks for visiting!
Little Stars