Monday, December 31, 2007

我的小日記: 十二月三+一日 (除夕夜) 新年快樂!!!

真的很快..........2007 年快要過了!說真的,我真的會 miss 這一個美好的一年! 這一年裹我做了很多東西。這一年也有很多我直得回憶的事情。有悲有樂。不過今天的特別日子也很開心可以跟我的好朋友過! 今天玩得很開心也買了很多東西。不過最開心就是我 order 了「雙面飛輪海CD」!!! 很開心!


新的一年來臨了! 希望大家會日日都開開心心,身體建康,工作順利,和學業進步!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a recipe that can help celebrate the coming of a new year!

New Years Recipe " Japanese Style Sweet Rice Cake" 「日本年糕」


A) Japanese Style sweet rice flour (1 lb)
B) Sugar ( 1 1/4 cup) OR adjust according to personal taste
C) Milk ( 2 1/2 cup)
D) Oil ( 1/3 cup)
E) Eggs 3 eggs
F) Baking Powder 3 Tsp
G) Vanilla Oil 1 Tbsp

** REMEBER to start mix all dry ingredients with dry ingredients wet ingredients with wet ingredients! Seperate both sides before you mix them together!***
1. Mix all dry ingredients together ( sweet rice flour, sugar, baking powder) with a whisk until ingredients look
2. Mix wet ingredients together ( oil, vanilla oil, milk, and eggs) with a whisk fairly well
3. Pour the mixed wet ingredients with the dry ingredients in a large bowl
4. Mix with whisk until the batter is smooth. **NO CLUMPS SHOULD BE PRESENT IN BATTER**
5. Pour batter into a baking pan ( measured 9" x 13") ** depending on how many people you are serving~~
6. Bake cake @ 350*c for one hour ( if you are baking with a small oven, to prevent burning the top of the cake
lower the temperature of the oven to about 325*c after 45 minutes)
7. ~ Optional: Add walnuts or red bean curd to add more flavor to cake
8. Serve and enjoy! ** Cut into small rectangular pieces to serve ^______^ **(optional)

Hope this recipe will bring smiles to your family and friends during this wonderful day!

Have a great new year everyone!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

我的小日記:+二月二+九日/三+日- 冷晴 (表演完了!)

今天很開心,「公教家庭聖誕新年聚餐」玩得很開心, 隼備了不久的演出也非常須利地完了。雖然很緊張不過想起有好朋友一起唱和跳舞就感到很開心再也不怕了。我, Sharon, 跟 Jenny 演唱了飛輪海的「只對你有感覺」。老實說, 這首歌其實都很難唱的....我們彩俳的時侯常常走音!幸好演出的時候沒有發生!!! 好了.........我現在很累了(現在零晨12 點多了).......明天在 post 吧!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

我的小日記:十二月二+七日-雪 (為你存在-飛輪海)

好開心哦飛輪海的最新 MV 「為你存在」 推出了.........他們也大帥了吧!!! 看看吧! OR go to "my little cinema" to see too! on the right side of my page near the bottom!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

我的小日記: 十二月二十五日-晴 (聖誕節快樂!)

好開心哦! 今年的聖誕節過得很快樂! 收到的禮物也很喜歡, 特別是 Tiffany and Joie送我的 Green Bobble head guy 還有 Shopping gift card! 謝謝你們! 今天是二十五號...........待在 Calgary 的朋友可能沒有辦法去過一個美麗白色聖誕節了。可是今年我有哦! 很開心, 今年我去了 Banff 來過我的聖誕。你可能會在想 「Peggy 你瘋了吧 Banff National Park 在這個時侯應該沒有開吧.......而且哪邊還這麼冷!」可是我誥訢你,雖然天氣非常冷,哪些美麗動人的白色風景讓我覺得這個世界真的很美麗! 我看到被雪蓋滿了的山跟草地好像 "Narnia" 裡面的情景........超 Amazing 的! 我還在一個 Souvenir店裡 買了一個小熊當做今年聖誕節的旅行的記念品哦! 超可愛的!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year My Friends!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

我的小日記: 十二月十四日-晴 ( 好可愛!!!!!)

WOW! 看看吧..................可愛吧!!!!!!! 是飛飛的"新窩" MV 的新 pictures!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

+二月一日-雪 晚上 Cont. (開心的 聖誕Party)

好冷的天氣哦..........可是這寒冷的天氣沒有影響到我今天的心情! 今天去了一個盛大的聖誕Party. 在這裡我吃了很多東西和玩得很開心。我想聖誕節是我最愛的一個季節,哪些又紅又綠的顏色讓我覺得很快樂.還有我一想到哪些豐富的聖誕餐我的口水都快要流出來囉!


我的小日記: 十二月一日-雪(十ニ月啦!)

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嘩! 真不敢相信十ニ月已經到了!相信大家都知道Christmas 就快來啦!我真的很期待啊! 今年, 是Fahrenheit Avenue 的第一個Christmas 希望各位members 會多多支持FA 的 Christmas Activity! 請把你聖誕 wishes submit 在FA 的 "Fahrenheit Avenue Celebrates Christams" 的 post 內.....或 email 到 吧!

Wow it's hard to believe that December is already here! Everyone knows that Christmas is just around the corner! I am so excited! This year's christmas is Fahrenheit Avenue's first christams. Therefore, I hope that fellow members of my forum will help support our christmas activity this year! Please submit your messages to FA in the post entitled "Fahrenheit Avenue Celebrates Christmas" or directly to our email NO MESSAGES WILL BE SUBMITTED INTO THE CHRISTMAS CARD IF MESSAGES ARE SUBMITTED UNDER OTHER POSTS ON THE FORUM!!!!!