Saturday, November 10, 2012

Being a "snow angel" For Once...

My snowy neighborhood... was on my way to
school and I took this pic! WINTER WONDERLAND!
It is a little embarrassing to say, but honestly speaking, out of the whole family, I am really the only one who seldom goes out to shovel the snow off our driveway, sidewalk, and stairs. I mean well, I think I have a valid reason to say why I am not a fan of shoveling snow. It is not that I am lazy, but way back when I was younger... probably in my elementary/ junior high (middle school) years, I was always eager to help out. However, being a kid, shoveling snow was not a "chore/duty" rather, it was "fun time" so when my parents went out to shovel our home's driveway I would tag along and use my mini shovel to "help". By meaning "help" I mean scooping all the snow that was shoveled off to the side back on to the driveway. Of course, my parents were enraged since their hard work was being destroyed by my little hands.

The city that  I live in, the way we as citizens term its weather conditions....we call it "PMSing" it changes frequently so it can be really warm one week and crappy cold the next. This is what happened last week, it warmed up from the cold and was as high as plus 7 degrees Celsius, but this week it got really cold again all the way to minus 15 degrees Celsius. GREAT. Heavy SNOWFALL. Yup, and which means our driveway is covered with snow again. I am rather picky with regards to safety with sidewalks etc since my accident back in 2009 (slipping and dislocating my tailbone). So, out of the blue, I decided I would shovel the driveway and walkway. Funny thing is, no one was home when I got home this evening so it meant that I had to do it all by myself. I dressed up super warm and was extremely eager to be a "snow angel" and be nice to my parents and help them out a bit.. after all I am older now and I am pretty sure I won't scoop more snow back onto the driveway anyways. Well, conclusion? Let's just say I am really glad I helped out, at least I know when I leave tomorrow morning for my weekend activities, I'll have a clean driveway to walk on--one less worry of slipping. In fact, it just means that my awesome dad won't have to shovel the snow by himself again. At least, he got to sit and relax and watch T.V. for once! There is always that saying of how we should all be "one good Samaritan". With the winter months laying ahead, let's all warm each others' hearts through acts of kindness!

Little Stars

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Fooling Around with Some Nail Art

Edited with PhotoWonderOne of the best things about my Fall semester is that I don't have school on Thursdays. Which means more personal time to relax and just forget about school stress for a little bit. Since it's November now, snow has already greeted my city. It happens so that today is one of those heavy snowfall days. Well, because of heavy snow, being a bear I am, I decided to "hibernate" in my house. With midterms over, I don't have much to study for, and well I didn't feel like cracking open my textbooks and notes anyways. So I started to fool around with my nails and I painted them, trying out some newbie nail art. On cold days like this I like to just relax and have fun while I full blast Korean dramas and have tea. What do you like to do when you're at home alone and simply have nothing to do?

Have a wonderful evening!
Little Stars

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

New Instrument, backpack, Gloves, Boots!

 Since school began, I really had little time to update this blog. But well since all midterms have ended and it's kind of the freebie period of the semester, I think I will update a little bit on some of the things that happened over the past 2 months! I think one thing that is really worth celebrating is how school is going quite well at the moment, my midterm exams came back with good marks. But of course, I am hoping to do even better!

Other things that changed? Over the past two months I had been researching where to take music lessons for Guzheng or "Chinese Zither" and after weeks and weeks of researching, I finally found myself a teacher. I just started learning last week so the whole getting back into practicing 1-2 hours everynight for an instrument is still pretty awkward for me but I am really enjoying it at the moment.

How shall I say this, with work comes spending money. I'd really like to knock the habit off but well I went on another shopping spree again. Recently, I got really into backpack styles and the Herschel backpacks had the kind of "hallyu" kind of feeling to it-- its like the ones characters would wear in a Korean drama... and so well I got myself one last week! I've just started using it and I am loving it so far. In terms of durability, it's not too much on the strong side. But it's definitely a fashion item added to my wardrobe.  I am not sure if anyone of you are a fan of the Aritzia gloves but I am. I love the soft fleece lining and the knitted style it really keeps my hands warm during the cold winter weather. I got myself a pair of mint green ones :) MY FAVORITE COLOUR!

One more thing to add to my major spending list would be my awesome leather boots. I am definitely not a fashionista and I can't really wear high heel boots. So when I got to Winners looking at their sales, I found myself an amazing pair of Rock Port boots with upper genuine leather and a small high heal. So well I can kind of satisfy my "heeled boots" crave. I love shopping at winners because you can really get great deals. And of course, lastly I got some really nice 14k gold crystal earrings (studs) from there. It's the kind with the sparkling crystal ball type, these one came in a box of three for $60 dollars CAD.  :) Liking them so far!

I love shopping for things, especially when they're at good deals!

Well that is all for now, in the meantime, check out my updated pages for new recipes and faith sharing!

Little Stars

P.S. Another thing to celebrate? I am proud to welcome Extreme speed internet to my home, no more lagging videos and slow loading for web pages! I finally upgraded my home internet recently. Just makes life a lot easier. Now that is worth celebrate right?