Saturday, November 10, 2012

Being a "snow angel" For Once...

My snowy neighborhood... was on my way to
school and I took this pic! WINTER WONDERLAND!
It is a little embarrassing to say, but honestly speaking, out of the whole family, I am really the only one who seldom goes out to shovel the snow off our driveway, sidewalk, and stairs. I mean well, I think I have a valid reason to say why I am not a fan of shoveling snow. It is not that I am lazy, but way back when I was younger... probably in my elementary/ junior high (middle school) years, I was always eager to help out. However, being a kid, shoveling snow was not a "chore/duty" rather, it was "fun time" so when my parents went out to shovel our home's driveway I would tag along and use my mini shovel to "help". By meaning "help" I mean scooping all the snow that was shoveled off to the side back on to the driveway. Of course, my parents were enraged since their hard work was being destroyed by my little hands.

The city that  I live in, the way we as citizens term its weather conditions....we call it "PMSing" it changes frequently so it can be really warm one week and crappy cold the next. This is what happened last week, it warmed up from the cold and was as high as plus 7 degrees Celsius, but this week it got really cold again all the way to minus 15 degrees Celsius. GREAT. Heavy SNOWFALL. Yup, and which means our driveway is covered with snow again. I am rather picky with regards to safety with sidewalks etc since my accident back in 2009 (slipping and dislocating my tailbone). So, out of the blue, I decided I would shovel the driveway and walkway. Funny thing is, no one was home when I got home this evening so it meant that I had to do it all by myself. I dressed up super warm and was extremely eager to be a "snow angel" and be nice to my parents and help them out a bit.. after all I am older now and I am pretty sure I won't scoop more snow back onto the driveway anyways. Well, conclusion? Let's just say I am really glad I helped out, at least I know when I leave tomorrow morning for my weekend activities, I'll have a clean driveway to walk on--one less worry of slipping. In fact, it just means that my awesome dad won't have to shovel the snow by himself again. At least, he got to sit and relax and watch T.V. for once! There is always that saying of how we should all be "one good Samaritan". With the winter months laying ahead, let's all warm each others' hearts through acts of kindness!

Little Stars