Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Photo Credit: All credit goes to rightful owners. Retrieved from wallpaper66 site.
I can't believe it's the last day of 2012! This will be my last post of 2012. There are just so many things I want to say. Well, let's start with the a word of thanks. First of all, I want to thank the Lord for all that he has given me. This past year has been a really wonderful year, yes there were times of difficulties and disappointments, however, I found that the obstacles God has thrown towards me has strengthened my faith and helped me mature even more. Secondly, I want to thank my family and friends for their continuous support for my academics and work. Without their care and help I don't think my past year would have been as successful!

Some New Years Resolutions....
I don't have much however, it is just to achieve my dreams and goals and be able to have a happy and healthy life with my family and friends. Talking about friends...

This year, I have broken the tradition of the family celebration of New Years! Instead of just celebrating with my family, I am going to celebrate with my close friends! This will definitely be a fun experience!

I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and may the Lord bless you all to guide you and give you his grace and love in the new year!

With joy and smiles!

Little Stars

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let the Holidays Begin!

Photo Credit: All Credit goes to rightful owner(s)
of photo. Retrieved from
I can't express how happy I am to be done Final exams and on holidays! After weeks and weeks of constant studying, battling with a nasty cold, and sleepless nights, I can now actually enjoy my time and take a break.
There are just so many things I want to do this holiday, from meeting and catching up with friends to shopping, putting up my Christmas Tree to full blasting Christmas carols on my iPod and CD player at home. Finally, there is a sense of joy and happiness within the air. No longer am I bombarded with stress of having to review human anatomy and physiology everyday--well at least up until next semester which starts in January!

Tomorrow, I will be going Christmas shopping, I am seriously running late on schedule for this, but well it really is not my fault since I never got a chance to enjoy the beginning/ start of the Holiday month since in the Post Secondary education world is a time where EXAMS creep your life and take away your opporutnity to sleep well.

Well, here I come Christmas holidays, and man I am just so relieved to be FREE from stress! Seriously, I prefer holiday stress over exam stress big time.

Merry Christmas! I hope that everyone will have a fun, safe, and warm Christmas!
Little Stars

Friday, December 07, 2012

Stress in the Air

Photo credit: All credit to rightful owners. Image retrieved from tumblr.
My most favorite time of the year is finally here! Once December 1st hits, everything outside including people's houses, the malls, and just the atmosphere in general becomes all festive and bright. The malls are filled with Christmas decorations and merchandises. In fact, people are busy here and there trying to get gift shopping done and buy materials for their parties etc. It's all the fun stuff. However, behind all this happy and jolly atmosphere, I think a ton of stress builds up. Students in post secondary like me are bombarded with finals as the Fall semester comes to an end. In fact, with all the planning and buying, people tend to get overwhelmed and financially distressed. So, what can we do to cut ourselves some slack through this busy time of year? Here are some tips I'd like to share...

  1. Turn off your phone! Yes, as a smartphone user, with all those apps and things we have saved within the phone such as emails and texts, it can be very tempting to have it on. However, reserve 15-30 minutes a day to just yourself! You may not notice, however, with our phones on 24/7 and having us constantly texting during the day/night, we really are not at rest alone. When an email or text arrives, we become alert and it decreases our chance to really relax our busy minds.
  2. SLEEP! Oh yes, as a student, I love this term, yet my life lacks of this so much. When you have the opportunity to sleep early or maybe sleep in a day or two, do so! Psychologically and physically let our minds and bodies take a break. Seriously, you'd be surprise, even when we're asleep, our brains don't stop working. But at least, when we're asleep, we don't really stress about upcoming plans etc.
  3. Exercise. Oh man I feel guilty saying this, since school started, I haven't really had the chance to squeeze in some exercise. Oh yeah, and xbox kinect games don't count. If possible, try to give 30 minutes a day (if not once a week) some exercise. Many studies have shown that if we exercise, our brains work a lot better. Hey it's a win win situation here, you exercise and become physically fit and well it helps fuel your brain too!
  4.  Watch a movie. Gather some friends, take some time off and just go watch a movie. Trust me, meeting some friends and talking about the stress you're experiencing helps! Don't be surprise how your friends might be going through the same thing as you!
  5. Just smile. Yes, with stress, we become weary and grumpy. However, if we keep a positive mood, we won't feel too beaten up after a long day's work. After all, smiling makes everyone look 100 times more beautiful. :)
Have a great day!
Little Stars